The Ambathale headwork is the largest intake and Water treatment plant (WTP) in Sri Lanka located on the left bank of Kelani River. It consists of 03 water treatment plants known as Main plant, New plant and Seta plant. 03 intakes operating have a design intake capacity of 590,000 m3/d and include 13 pumps. The total design capacity of these 03 water treatment plants is around 116 mgd-million gallons per day.
The existing pumps at the stations are over 30 years old, have low efficiencies, and consume high levels of energy to deliver water to the suburb reservoirs. The transmission mains built many years ago, do not have adequate capacity to meet current demands, and result in high pumping costs due to increase friction in the pipelines.
Improvements to Ambathale headworks and few transmission pipelines are considered priority investment to address before breakdown occurs. The improvement will address the following –
- Greater Colombo Water and Wastewater Management (GCWWM) – P roject 1 – Colombo WS service impr ovement
- GCWWM – Project 2 – Colombo WS service improvement
- Colombo WS service improvement project (ADB)
Ambatale WS service improvement and energy saving project and Towns East of Colombo District WS project (AFD