Performing a year around Avifaunal Survey for the Proposed 216MW Wind Power Project at Veravil in the Kilinochchi District

As part of the project activities to promote the development of Renewable Energy Resources in Sri Lanka, the program intends to support pre-project development activities by carrying out a year around Avifaunal Survey, mainly focusing on two main taxonomic groups, birds and bats. The survey findings will be incorporated in the Environmental Impact Assessment. The focus area of the bird study includes the proposed wind farm corridor plus a 500 m belt that is immediately outside the wind farm corridor and along the transmission line. The study will focus on documenting the species of animals present in the study area with a special emphasis on avifauna, temporal and spatial variations in their distribution and flight patterns, flight heights, and critical avifaunal habitats with the aim of identifying potential impacts that may arise due to development of a Wind Park and a transmission line to evacuate power from the Wind Park

Project Highlights


Start date

April 2023

Completion date

February 2025

Origin of funding

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