Social Assessment and Social Management Framework (SMF) of the Metro Colombo Urban Development Project (MCUDP)

The Metro Colombo Urban Development Project intended to improve the flood control and drainage infrastructure and management system of the Colombo Water Basin and enhance the capacity of central and local authorities to deliver and manage services and infrastructure in the metropolitan area needs to conduct a Social Assessment (SA), Develop a Social Management Framework (SMF), Conduct a Social Impact Assessment (SIA) and Prepare a Re-settlement Action Plan (RAP) to undertake social management proper when the project activities are implemented. A professional consultant was sought, therefore, to deliver the SA, SMF, SIA, and RAP. The Consultant was also expected to develop a summary write-up for the Project Operation Manual (POM) based on the SMF. 

Project Highlights


Start date

July 2011

Completion date

November 2011

Origin of funding

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